O planowaniu słów kilka...
Planowanie to taki proces, w którym do ręki bierzesz długopis tudzież ołówek tudzież kredkę czy flamaster i piszesz.
Piszesz, co chcesz zrobić.
Czasem tylko po to, żeby nie zwariować, a czasem by o niczym nie zapomnieć.
Punkt pierwszy....
Punkt drugi....
Punkt trzeci....
Wieszasz sobie nad biurkiem przygotowany z misterną precyzją plan i idziesz spać.
Śpisz, śnisz i czekasz na jutro.
Przychodzi w końcu upragnione "jutro".
No, może z tym upragnione przesadziłam.
Po prostu przychodzi "jutro".
Patrzysz na swój wspaniały plan, już jesteś w blokach startowych i otrzymujesz telefon.
Jeden, krótki telefon, który wywraca Twój misternie przygotowany plan do góry nogami.
I właściwie jedyne, co możesz z nim zrobić, to wyrzucić go do kosza.
Prosiłam kiedyś o to, że do pracy chciałabym chodzić w dresie... przyszło po roku.
Prosiłam o inny zawód... przyszło po ponad roku.
Prosiłam o mężczyznę z mieszkaniem... rok temu przyszedł doradca ... z setką mieszkań :D
Tak, precyzja, jeśli chodzi o marzenia moi mili, to podstawa!
A co dalej?
"Dalej ma Pani usiąść na d..., podjąć dezycję w sercu i nie martwić się, bo tylko traci Pani energię. A przed wyjazdem, bo wyjedzie Pani na pewno, ale tylko los wie kiedy... a przed wyjazdem proszę zbadać tarczycę i zrobić podstawowe badania... pokażę jeszcze Pani, jak kontrolować swoje zdrowie...".... i opisała mi dokładnie, co i jak i gdzie szukać, bo "tam, będzie się Pani leczyła już sama"....
"I proszę się o nic nie martwić, bo los się Panią opiekuje."... tak jest Pani Doktor, wedle Pani zaleceń :*
P.S. "I życzę Pani, żeby spotkała Pani miłość... i czekam na wiadomość.
Ja: Z Australii?
Pani Doktor: Nieee, najpierw z wynikami badań!" ;-)
Let's talk about planning...
Planning is a kind of process in which you need a pen or a pencil or a crayon ... and begin to write.
Write what you want to do.
You do it to don't go out of your mind or just don't forget about anything.
You are writing...
Firstly I want to do...
Then hang this great sheet of paper on the wall and go to bed.
You are sleeping and dreaming and waiting for tomorrow.
No, you don't wait for tomorrow impatiently...
Just wait.
You look on your fantastic plan, start to think "what first?"... and you get a call.
One, short call which make your plan impossible to do... and you want to rip this sheet of paper up... because it is the only one thing you can do with it!
One year ago I asked about job where I could go and work in a tracksuit... I got it 4 days ago.
More than one year ago I asked about different profession... I got it!
I asked about a man with an apartment... I met an estate agent with a lot of apartments ;)
Yep, if you want to ask about something, be precise every time ;)
And what next???
"Then you have to sit on your ass, make a decision and don't worry because it is without sense to loose your energy on it. And before your next travel because it is obvious that you will go back [to Australia] but we don't know when... before your next travel go and check your thyroid... and I will show you how to control your health..." and then she showed me everything what I need to know that something isn't ok... "because you will be your own doctor there."
"And please... don't worry because everything will be ok!"... yes Sir!
P.S. "And I wish you to meet a love of your life there... and I'll be waiting for a message.
Me: "From Australia?"
My Doctor: "Noooo, firstly with the results of your exam!"
You do it to don't go out of your mind or just don't forget about anything.
You are writing...
Firstly I want to do...
Then hang this great sheet of paper on the wall and go to bed.
You are sleeping and dreaming and waiting for tomorrow.
No, you don't wait for tomorrow impatiently...
Just wait.
You look on your fantastic plan, start to think "what first?"... and you get a call.
One, short call which make your plan impossible to do... and you want to rip this sheet of paper up... because it is the only one thing you can do with it!
One year ago I asked about job where I could go and work in a tracksuit... I got it 4 days ago.
More than one year ago I asked about different profession... I got it!
I asked about a man with an apartment... I met an estate agent with a lot of apartments ;)
Yep, if you want to ask about something, be precise every time ;)
And what next???
"Then you have to sit on your ass, make a decision and don't worry because it is without sense to loose your energy on it. And before your next travel because it is obvious that you will go back [to Australia] but we don't know when... before your next travel go and check your thyroid... and I will show you how to control your health..." and then she showed me everything what I need to know that something isn't ok... "because you will be your own doctor there."
"And please... don't worry because everything will be ok!"... yes Sir!
P.S. "And I wish you to meet a love of your life there... and I'll be waiting for a message.
Me: "From Australia?"
My Doctor: "Noooo, firstly with the results of your exam!"